Wednesday Reading List

Stuff worth sharing from the past week

ICYMI: Last Friday’s post on assessing my personal reactions and professional advice over the past three months.

My Uneven COVID-19 Response


Perfect article to understand value investing – why it works, why it has struggled, and what to do about it.

Is value a value trap? by Tobias Carlisle


Governments can refinance too when interest rates are low. Good example from outside of personal finance on steps you can take to improve your situation during a low interest rate environment.

New 20-year bond met with strong reception as U.S. moves to extend time to pay debt by Patti Domm


We don’t all have the luxury to be able to do this, but there are important takeaways for all of us in this article.

Why Successful People Spend 10 Hours a Week Just Thinking by Empact


“In the era of the coronavirus, pressing the flesh has become verboten. The peace sign, the hand-on-heart, and the elbow bump are ready to fill in.”

In Memoriam: The Handshake by Micah Hauser


A loyal reader who is a professional investor shared this with me. We’re both not sure about whether this makes sense, but it’s a timely topic being discussed right now.

The Case for Deeply Negative Interest Rates by Kenneth Rogoff


There’s more to this story than it being hard to rent cars during an economic shut down. Hertz went into the crisis with too much debt, so it couldn’t survive. It’s another important lesson from the real world for your own finances.

Hertz files for bankruptcy protection as coronavirus crisis slams car-rental business by Associated Press

Book Recommendation(s)

Spying on Whales: The Past, Present, and Future of Earth’s Most Awesome Creatures by Nick Pyenson


Updated reviews for my book, Beyond the Basics – available here!

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