Wednesday Reading List

Stuff worth sharing from the past week

ICYMI: 5 Leadership Lessons from Bob Iger – Five helpful takeaways for all of us from Bob Iger’s memoir


Trying to jump out of a concerning market to get back in later is difficult, and this piece does a great job explaining why.

The Worst Dilemma in Investing by Blair duQuesnay


If you’ve never heard of superforecasters, it’s pretty interesting stuff presented in the context of today’s biggest health challenge.

‘Superforecasters’ Are Making Eerily Accurate Predictions About COVID-19. Our Leaders Could Learn From Their Approach by Tara Law


The American Cancer Society released updated guidelines on diet and physical activity for cancer prevention.

Avoid This Food to Prevent Cancer, Say New Guidelines by Colby Hall


Harvard researcher says the most emotionally intelligent people have these 12 traits. Which do you have? by Daniel Goleman


The latest market commentary from the Schwab investment team by Liz Ann Sonders, Jeffrey Kleintop, and Kathy Jones

Schwab Market Perspective: Mixed Signals