Wednesday Reading List

ICYMI: Mid-Year Investing Outlook: How the Market Looks Now – The first half of the year saw stocks and bonds both decrease, while inflation-sensitive assets performed well. With inflation high, the Fed raising rates, market volatility up, and a war in Ukraine what should individual investors do? Sharing some thoughts on how the market looks now and how you could react to it.

2022 Mid-Year Outlook: U.S. Stocks and Economy

2022 Mid-Year Outlook: Global Stocks and Economy

Liz Ann Sonders and Jeffrey Kleintop with two pieces sharing updates on the U.S. market and economy and the global stock market and economy.

The Worst Years Ever For a 60/40 Portfolio

Extending your time horizon remains one of the most powerful investment strategies when all else fails.

Might I suggest not listening to famous people about money?

If you are mad at Tom Brady about crypto, you should also be mad at Tom Selleck about reverse mortgages.

Are Workers More Productive at Home?

A conversation with Stanford economist Nick Bloom on a surprising find from the pandemic: remote work is fueling economic growth.

Will more countries want nuclear weapons after the war in Ukraine?

From the Middle East to East Asia, nuclear crises loom. 

About 200 years ago, the world started getting rich. Why?

The world became rich because of a massive increase in the rate of technological innovation. I think one thing the history of technology has taught us is that as long as the incentives are there for innovators to innovate, we will continue to be surprised

Book Recommendation

A loyal reader recommended this timely book on risk management.

Risk: A User’s Guide by Stanley McChrystal

Retired four-star general Stan McChrystal has lived a life associated with the deadly risks of combat. From his first day at West Point, to his years in Afghanistan, to his efforts helping business leaders navigate a global pandemic, McChrystal has seen how individuals and organizations fail to mitigate risk. Why? Because they focus on the probability of something happening instead of the interface by which it can be managed. In this new book, General McChrystal offers a battle-tested system for detecting and responding to risk.