Wednesday Reading List

Bull markets rarely feel like bull markets at first.

Callie Cox

Financial Lessons from Famous Dads by Heritage Financial

In honor of Father’s Day we share some lessons from famous dads and our team.

When SVB and First Republic Collapsed, So Did Their Employees’ Investments by The Wall Street Journal

Workers at the failed California banks plowed their money into company stock.

Chart of the Week

The Market Thinks the Fed Is Wrong. Why That’s Dangerous. by Barron’s

In my humble opinion, this is the one of the biggest risks to this stock market rally right now.

Wealth: Five Formulas and a Recipe by Tom Morgan

I asked my friends and readers for the best things they’ve read on how to get wealthy and stay wealthy. I was overwhelmingly sent the same small handful of articles, and there was a lot of thematic overlap between each of them. Here are five recurring formulas and an individual story that ties it all together beautifully.

Are You Making These 5 Common Portfolio Mistakes? by Morningstar

Problem spots in real-world portfolios—and how to fix them.

Shield Your Wealth: Seven Steps to Better Protect Your Financial Information by Fiducient Advisors

The rise of social media and advancing technology have contributed to an increase in scams targeting all demographics.

Book Recommendation

G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century by Beverley Gage

Winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize in Biography.

A major new biography of J Edgar Hoover that draws from never-before-seen sources to create a groundbreaking portrait of a colossus who dominated half a century of American history and planted the seeds for much of today’s conservative political landscape.