Wednesday Reading List

ICYMI: Revisiting The Last Dance -Scottie Pippen is clapping back at Michael Jordan’s view of events in The Last Dance. What does this and the friction in other great franchises teach us about leadership and investing?

The Last Dance

Our team’s latest looks at what Fed tapering and a tighter monetary policy means for stocks.

October Market Update: What Does Fed Tapering Mean for Stocks? by Heritage Financial

Supply chain issues could be easing. That may help with inflation, or damage stocks and the economy. Worth a read.

A former colleague who has made a career out of successful investing in tech stocks breaks down everything going on at Facebook, including the name change, what the Metaverse is, and why its regulatory headwinds are okay for the stock.

Talking Facebook and the Metaverse with Jay Welles, Lead Tech Analyst by Manning & Napier

See also Why Facebook Is More Worried About Europe Than the U.S. by Mark Scott

Three stories that constantly repeat themselves that you should learn since they will impact your life at some point.

The Same Stories, Again and Again by Morgan Housel

Bill Gates shares three things from the recent global climate change summit that have him more optimistic about the future.

In Glasgow, I saw three big shifts in the climate conversation by Bill Gates

Zillow lost almost $400 in the recent quarter on its home flipping business and is laying off 25% of its workforce.

Zillow Torched $381 Million Overpaying for Houses. Spectacular. by Alex Kirshner

We get asked this all the time – I may need this money in a few years for (fill in the blank reason). Should I invest it? Ben looks at some numbers.

Where Should I Save For My Down Payment? by Ben Carlson

Morningstar shares this year’s top rated 529 (college savings) plans.

The 3 Best 529 Plans by Adam Millson and Susan Dziubinski

The whole list, along with the New England gems.

2 of the best beer towns in America are in New England, according to TravelMag by Kristi Palma