Wednesday Reading List

ICYMI: Closing the Book(s) on President Trump – Double Book Review – Reviewing two books about the final year or so of the Trump presidency and sharing differences between the two and some takeaways.

Our team’s latest. An important look at Earth Overshoot Day and how investors can contribute to a climate change solution.

Protect the Earth and Your Investments by Heritage Financial

Want to get up to speed on sustainable investing? Sustainable Investing Thoughts can be your guide.

The tax climate is changing, and your retirement planning strategies could use some tweaks to stay on top of the situation.

7 Ways to Prepare for Higher Taxes by Reid Johnson

See also Minimizing Taxes Under Biden’s Proposed Tax Plan: Webinar Replay

I never read the original, although I have read much of Thaler’s work. I’ll be buying this edition. Understanding behavioral economics is one of the most important things an investor can do to improve their returns and finances.

The Behavioral Economics Manifesto Gets Revised by Greg Rosalsky

These Marks memos are always the longest posts I typically share, but they’re also a quarterly master class in investing. Marks covers why macroeconomic forecasts are meaningless, how to think about inflation and both sides of the inflation debate, what the Fed knows, what the market knows, and what that means for you.

Latest Memo from Howard Marks: Thinking About Macro by Howard Marks

And with some vaccine news, Delta Variant Fears Spur More Americans to Get Covid-19 Vaccine by Arian Campo-Flores and The Dam Is Breaking on Vaccine Mandates by Gregory Barber

Book Recommendation

The Plague Year: America in the Time of Covid by Lawrence Wright

From the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Looming Tower, and the pandemic novel The End of October: an unprecedented, momentous account of Covid-19—its origins, its wide-ranging repercussions, and the ongoing global fight to contain it

The Plague Year book cover